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DERBYSHIRE. All walks are circular from Padfield starting and finishing at the Peels Arms Pub. The terrain for the first half of all three walks is flat along a recognised trail called the Longdendale Trail which was a disused railway line.

Toilet stop is at Wooley Edge motorway services

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The route goes North East from Padfield to follow the Longdendale Trail past Valehouse and Rhodeswood Reservoirs. At the Torside Reservoir the route crosses the dam North to reach The Hollins. The route then heads West on the other side of the Reservoirs to cross the Woodhead Road to Tintwistle then crosses the Bottoms Reservoir dam and on to Padfield.

Walk Leader

John Robinson

6.5 Miles
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The start is the same as the short walk but follows the Longdendale Trail further up the valley alongside the Torside Reservoir to the Woodhead Reservoir dam then crosses it to reach Crowden. (There are public toilets here). At Crowden the route goes West to follow the same route as the short walk back to Padfield

Walk Leader

Neil Weaver

10.5 Miles
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The route is virtually the same as the medium walk but follows the Longdendale Trail further up the valley to the top of Woodhead Reservoir which adds the extra mileage before crossing over to the other side of the valley to go West along paths to Crowden then back on the medium walk route to Padfield.

Walk Leader

David Fothergill

13.5 Miles
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