There may be possible changes to our Risk Assessment due to ongoing Covid restrictions,
particularly regarding coach travel, additional measures are being considered which include:
Reduction in coach seating
Social distancing
Confirmation of contact, symptoms and well being
Temperature scans
Wearing of face masks on the coach
Use of hand sanitiser
Proof of vaccination/covid test
While we are hoping all restrictions will be lifted by July, we will have to await government announcements regarding public transport guidelines.
Current excerpt from Government guidelines are
Ensure you maintain social distancing, where possible, at entrances and exits
When travelling you should stay 2 metres apart or 1 metre apart with mitigations, from people who are not part of your household or support bubble.
touch as few surfaces as possible
limit the number of people that you come into contact with
wash or sanitise your hands regularly
avoid touching your face
avoid consuming food and drink on public transport
cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or the inside of your elbow when coughing or sneezing
avoid loud talking or singing