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Club Constitution
Object of the club:
To promote walking by providing three guided walks every month.
Club Membership: £10 per year
Individual membership will be granted to any person who satisfies the criteria below:
a) Be able to walk a minimum of 6-8 miles (the Short walk)
b) Anyone over 18 is considered an adult and will pay full membership
c) Children (up to 16 or 18 if a full time student) to pay ½ adult fare
d) Anyone under 16 to be accompanied by an adult and to be the responsibility of that adult
e) Honorary members to be exempt from the membership fee
f) All members will be informed of any necessary requirements to take part in a walk
Coach Fares:
Members: £10, Non members: Adults £13, Children ½ non members fare
Membership Benefits:
a) Eligible for a position on the committee after 6 months membership
b) Attend committee meetings
c) Voice an opinion on any subject under discussion
d) Cast 1 vote at any general meeting of the club
e) Participate in any activity organised by the club
f) Walk organisers to be recompensed at a rate set by the committee
g) Have priority to purchase tickets for the Christmas lunch
h) Not vote by proxy
Disciplinary action:
The committee will have the power to conduct disciplinary measures for a breach of the club rules in the following manner:
a) Call a special meeting of the committee to discuss the offence involved.
b) The member involved will be invited to this meeting to present their case.
c) Suspend membership for up to 3 months.
d) Call a general meeting of the club and ask members present to vote on the committee’s recommendations.
Annual General Meeting:
The members of the club shall hold an annual general meeting no sooner than 10 months and no later than 14 months from the previous annual general meeting
Members are encouraged to propose and second motions at the A.G.M.
Any resolution at the A.G.M. is binding until rescinded at next A.G.M. or Extraordinary General Meeting
Administration of the club:
Members shall elect a committee at the A.G.M. The committee shall be endowed with sufficient authority to enable them to carry out their duties in a proper manner
Nominations for the committee shall only be accepted from members present or by prior written application
The minimum number of committee members is 8, the quorum being 4.
The committee is permitted to spend a maximum annual expenditure of £500 on projects without recourse to a general meeting
The following Officers if retiring, being opposed or otherwise are to be elected:
Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Secretary, Webmaster.
All committee members shall serve a term of 3 years in one post, they may be re-elected if desirous by the members present.
The Committee will:
a) Fill any vacant posts
b) Resolve all matters including finances and changes to the constitution
c) Conduct disciplinary action
Officers’ Duties:
Chairman - Preside over all meetings. Have a casting vote
Secretary -To undertake the chairman’s duties in their absence and to record the minutes of all meetings and be responsible for all communications
Treasurer - Control the finances of club and prepare a balance sheet for the A.G.M.
Membership Secretary - Record all members details and collect all due fees
Walks Organiser - Arrange walk leaders for the following year, liaise with Officers and Webmaster to provide a full itinerary at the A.G.M.
Webmaster - To post walk schedule and latest club information on website
Pontefract and District Walking Club, the Committee and the club’s walk Leaders take no responsibility for any loss, harm or injury occurring to any person as a result of participating in any walk. Any person who takes part in any walk does so at their own risk.